Monday, April 13, 2009


Spring Break is over and we are back to the school grind this week. We had a good week and were thrilled to have Ray take a day off work last Wednesday. We ventured to Seattle to the Pacific Science Center. The highlight there had to be the butterfly house which the kids couldn't get enough of. Alec (as you can see) had the honor of being a butterfly's "perch" and couldn't seem to shake the little fellow. We watched an Imax movie, saw bugs that were utterly disgusting, and ate in the overpriced cafeteria. The kids seemed to have a great time--Addie refused to sit in her stroller (as you can see) and we spent most of our day chasing her from one thing to the next. The weather for once cooperated all week and the rain came back just in time for the weekend. Swell.


Kathy said...

Oh my, what beautiful great nieces and nephews I have !!! Addy looks like she is wearing a wig !!! Will you be home this summer at all?

Unknown said...

Fun! Thanks for sharing.