Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August busy August

Wow... we just returned from our first official family reunion in Montana and what a great time was had by all. So much to be celebrated in the last ten days its hard to know where to start.

Addy was sealed to us in the Billings temple and we were extremely blessed to have all of our immediate and some of our extended family there. Even though it's the fourth time we have done this words are never sufficient for what a special day it really is. As you can see sweet Addy looked beautiful and she was happy and laughing the entire ceremony. It was neat to see Alec, Olivia and Carson so excited for the event as well. We all know how lucky we are to have Addison and what a great dynamic she brings to the Ringhiser family.

Alec turned 14 and celebrated with lots of new "designer" clothes and even a name brand backpack. Ah, I remember the days of Guess jeans....and now the best jeans for me are the ones that fit no matter what the brand. :) Alec is turning into a young man whether we are ready or not and I continue to say I have no idea where the time has gone. Alec was such a beautiful baby in so many ways and now he's a very talented, smart, good looking teenager.

Ray and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary---HOLY COW! With our family and crazy- busy day to day "stuff" I know that Ray would give his right leg to just have 18 minutes as a couple alone at this point. I look back at where we were and where we are now and I am amazed at how much we have accomplished together. I think we both can honestly say we have had or ups and downs like every couple but we wouldn't change a thing. We "work" together and it seems as those that is something hard to find these days. Here's to another 18 years because who would ever want to start over again at this point---hee hee

So, the reunion of sorts. We had a fabulous time seeing everyone. The kids literally played together from sun up till sun down. It was amazing to see how much the babies have changed and grown since Christmas. It was great to see Cody and Chelsea have settled in to married life and Will is now Dr. Winterholler with a successful new office and new house on the way. Erika and Aaron still amaze us all as they remain "cool" under the pressure of two busy boys and living so far from home. Justin and Melissa blessed us all with some great produce from the Hodges Whole Foods market aka/their garden. Her belly continues to grow and we are anxiously awaiting th arrival of....well....thats yet to be determined (the name) Mom and Dad entertained us, fed us, blessed us and sent us on our way again hoping we would be back soon to cause more Winterholler memories and madness.

The 10 days with family was a great pick me up! Back to Maple Valley we go with the last week of summer looming....


Idaho Hodges said...

Great way to sum it all up. It was fun and hopefully we'll doo it again soon

AimeeMorse said...

Sounds like a good time..........Was that some hint of affection towrads Ray I detected. Didn't know you could be so sappy:) Glad your home safe and sound!!

Unknown said...

I loved reading about the sealing. How special! Congratulations! I'm glad you have a fun and safe trip!

Dannette & Mark said...

she's just adorable... If we waited 'tll Tatum was over a year to have him sealed to us he would have been climbing on and jumping off the alter... this baby is a crazy one. I am aging daily... climbing, jumping, getting in the tub & turning the water on, starts the dishwasher, starts the washer, throws my cellphone in the toilet, flushes everything down the toilet...oh! the list goes on and on...I hope it is a phase. Love him to death though!